Monday, November 5, 2012


A few of our fall activities:)

Just a heads up: I am blogging off of my phone and it won't let me arrange the pictures. So they aren't in order.

The first picture is Brian picking out his pumpkin:)
Second picture is going through the straw maze! It was so crazy because the straw was stacked so high it was so easy to get lost. At night they make it haunted but I was too much of a chicken to go when it is haunted.
Third picture is us in the maze.
Forth is our Carmel apple that weave:) so delicious except that Brian only ate half of his and I ate three in like three days. So bad I shouldn't keep sugary treats in the house.
Fifth, Brian's pumpkin. He decided to just carve a normal jack-o-lantern. He later regretted that when he saw designs for how to carve a "psych" pumpkin.
Sixth, the mess we made carving the pumpkins.
Seventh, just a random picture of us precarving.
Eighth, my cute pumpkin. It says love.

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