Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy First Anniversary!

Brian and I made it to our First Anniversary! This first year has been crazy, busy, and so much fun.  Our anniversary was actually on the 7th but I've been too busy to post.

Since this day Brian and I moved to Utah. We lived there from April until September. Brian sold pest control door-to-door (He hated it). I worked in the office for that same company. I met some amazing people but hated the job. We spent lots of time with Shanade, Andrew, and the kiddos.

In September we moved to Rexburg, ID. We finished another year at BYU-I. We hung out with our best friends. We made lots of friends. We played with our friends adorable children. Brian worked as an early morning custodial on campus. We adopted a cat, Grace, who is so cute and amazingly lazy.

In the last year we have grown so much as people and as a couple. We are learning and growing. I feel like our first year went by so quickly. It was hard learning to compromise with Brian but it was so worth it. I love Brian and I am so grateful for everything I learn from him. I'm grateful for all that he does. That he is a worth priesthood holder who keeps me doing what I should be doing.

I look forward to the eternities that I have with my hubby!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! Congrats on the anniversary, even if it's way late! Cute pictures!
