Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Medieval Times

Over the summer we went to Medieval Times and it was amazing! Brian had never been before but I had. We got an amazing deal on the tickets through living social. 

 This was Brian's face when I asked him to smile for a picture. 

 Sitting in the King and Queen chairs. 

 We were assigned to the red and yellow knight. He was so awesome! 
 He was so cool that he was on the side of the building.

Our knight won the entire tournament!

The tournament was so awesome! Our knights had to complete a bunch of challenges or obstacles. There were 6 knights in total and our knight kicked their butts! All of the knights ended up fighting each other. Our knight won and then he had to fight against the castle intruder. The fights were actually really intense. 
While the tournament was going on we had diner. Dinner consisted of a roasted chicken, spare ribs, potatoes, bread, and soup. Then you got an apple pastry for dessert. It would have been so much better if I wasn't prego and have a strong aversion to meat. Also, I was suffering from horrible morning sickness. Brian loved it though. It was such a fun night and I am so glad that we went!

Baby Garcia

Brian and I are excited to announce that we are expecting a sweet bundle of joy in April!
I made this little canvas to announce to my grandparents that we are expecting. I can't wait to
start decorating a nursery. 

 Not the greatest picture but it shall do. Please excuse the dirty mirror and messy hair. I'm really not a big fan of the belly pictures. I actually feel quite ridiculous taking them. 

We are having a little girl in April! I am so excited to meet my little girl. I want to know who she is going to look more like. Will she have my hair? Brian's eyes? This waiting game kinda sucks.

Look at her chubby tummy!! :)
We get  to see her again on Monday. I have my 20 week ultrasound and I want to see just how much she has grown.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

California Living

This post will mainly be a bunch of pictures of what has happened since we moved to California 3 weeks ago.
We moved to California on a Wednesday. We picked up our very best friends, Jared & Chelsea, from LAX on Thursday for a fun-filled weekend.
We went to the Getty museum to look around. In true LA fashion J&C were welcomed with awful traffic!
On the tram up to the Getty.

The view of LA from the Getty

Look how awesome this bed/couch is! Watching movies would be awesome  in this thing.

I loved this chandelier 

B & I were all dressed up so that we could got to LA temple afterwords.

All of us at the Getty
 Six Flags Magic Mountain
Jet Stream I am the only one that wore white and I got pretty wet :/ Luckily it was hot and so it felt good.

Hanging out with the Green Lantern. We went to
Six Flags with Jared and Chelsea.

B is my super man. ;) J&C both got batman capes.
I only hang out with superheroes!

LA from the Griffith's Observatory

The weather has been really nice and kinda warm.
 Tessa Time
Sleepover with Tessa

We like to play dress-up
 Exotic Feline Breeding Compound

 The feline compound offers Twilight Tours 3 times a year. What that means is they open the compound from 5 to dark and open up normally closed areas. It is only for people 18+ and it was so much fun! We saw some of the leopards and jaguars that aren't normally on display. They gave the cats some boxes, phone-books, and melons to play with or eat.
I love the peacocks that are just wandering around!

The Snow Leopard was destroying the box he was given.

Caesar the tiger. His story was so sad. He was found in a drug bust down in LA. He was found drugged up in the bathroom and was completely malnourished. The vets really didn't believe that he would survive. He is now a permanent resident and the feline compound. He has lasting side effects from being drugged. He doesn't get along with other cats well enough to have play time with the other tigers. It was just really sad. But he was such a good poser for photos.   

The White tiger. Poor cat is super inbred and so they compared him to a mental retarded person. He drools a lot and has hip issues. 

Grace is still lazy as ever! She sleeps a lot!

And B has gone Rastafarian.

California is being good to us. B loves his internship and I am loving mine! I'm looking for a job and hopefully I find one.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Grace the Kitty

Back in October Brian and I adopted a cat, Grace. She has since become part of our family and I can't imagine life without her. She is pretty much like our child. She sleeps under the covers in bed with us. I think she was once an alley cat because she can't stay out of the trash can. She loved our neighbors almost as much as us. She likes to try and hunt birds from the window. She will eat ANYTHING! She stole a cookie from Brian one time.

She loves sleeping on pillows, mainly mine.