So like I was saying earlier I was in a Dental Assisting class over the summer break.
It was an 11 week program that was amazing! I had school on Monday and Wednesday nights.
There were 5 girls, including me and it was a ton of fun! Class was 4 hours long. The first half was lecture and the last half was lab. I learned how to make temporary crowns , polish teeth, take x-rays, actually assist with a dentist. I had to complete 50 hours of interning in another dental office to be able to get my certificate of completion. I worked in an office in Sandy. I loved the dentist I worked with. He was super nice and willing to answer any questions I had. The assistant I worked with was pretty nice. She was good at her job so it was good to learn from her. I actually got to assist on fillings and such. It was amazing! I thought that I loved teeth before I took the class, but after taking the class I can say that I love teeth even more. I love the girls that I had class with. We went out for a celebratory dinner together the day after. That dinner turned into a 3 hour chat. it would have gone on a lot longer if I hadn't said I needed to go.
For my final I had to bring a person in to be my patient. My mom was sweet enough to offer to be my patient. Basically she came in and I had to take algenate impressions on her. (That is the horrible tasting goop that we have you bite down on until it turns hard. Then, we take it out and it is an impression of your teeth.) After, I poured the impression up with plaster. This plaster sets for about 45 minutes. After I can pull it out and I have a perfect impression of the teeth.
(My mom was a trooper!)
Then, I took a Pano radiograph. This is the x-ray that takes a picture of your entire mouth and sinus cavity. I then took 4 bitewings and 3 PAs.
I polished her teeth, flossed her teeth, and applied a flouride paste onto her teeth.
Charted all of her existing dental work and completed my notes.
I may have freaked out a ton when I realized how behind schedule I was.
But of course my mom made it all better:) I love you mom!
Then, I had to complete a written final.
Luckily, I had pretty cool people to take my test with.
We ended the night with cake:)
From left to right:Debbie, me, Krista, Ashlee, Alyssa, Christi, and Stephanie.
My certificate of completion:)
I am so glad that I had the opportunity to be in this class and do something to further my education in the field that I want to go into. I am grateful for my amazing hubby and all of the support that he offered me.
Also, a special thanks to Nadie who watched my rotten dog while I was at school:)